About us

About us

As part of the AIFC's efforts to support continued professional development and build a regional talent ecosystem, AIFC Bodies and their organisations are implementing measures to develop human capital skills needed for the future in partnership with academia and industry.

Bureau for Continuing Professional Development (BCPD Ltd.) provides international professional certification preparatory courses and implements the best international practices to develop human capital and create pool of local professionals with international recognition for the AIFC eco system and beyond.

BCPD continues to foster digital inclusion through its commitment to support digital talent development and initiatives, specifically targeted at preparing the next generation of digital talent. Acknowledging the demand for digital skills, BCPD has been working on building an ecosystem that is talent development-focused, sustainable and inclusive, scaling its talent management activities to the region. Since its establishment, BCPD has made a great contribution to the development and formation of a new educational industry and EdTech landscape in Kazakhstan, also training more than with the right capabilities, 8,000 professionals ready to take on new roles and adapt to an ever-changing environment. BCPD has provided assistance to many companies/start-ups and launched joint courses and initiatives, such as Nobel Fest, Quantum STEM school, Astana IT University, the Cosmos project, Talantiz, Geometry

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